Let’s connect

If you’re deaf or have hearing loss, get in touch using online British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation.


Why use SignLive?

If you‘re deaf or experiencing hearing loss, use the SignLive interpretation service to connect with us and talk securely about your account, our services or any other queries through a British Sign Language interpreter.


How it works

To use SignLive you‘ll need a computer, smartphone or tablet with a webcam, microphone and speakers. The device must have WiFi or a good mobile signal.

The first time you use the service you‘ll sign up for a free SignLive account so you can speak and sign to the interpreter on your screen.

The sound won‘t be on when you start, but you can turn it on if you want to.



It's now easier than ever to contact us if you have hearing loss. 

Create a SignLive account today in a few simple steps.

Using SignLive

How long does it take to connect?

An Interpreter will usually answer in a few seconds. If there is a queue, the app will notify you of your position in the queue.

What if I'm having trouble with my account?

Send a quick email to SignLive at techsupport@signlive.co.uk and they'll get back to you as soon as possible.

What time does the service open?

You can get in touch with an interpreter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.