How small changes make a big impact

A firm believer that small changes by everyone could have a big influence, we spoke to Kevin Hansen, driver for Veloce Racing, about his passion for sustainability.

Kevin Hansen
Kevin Hansen in racing gear
Kevin Hansen in racing gear

Every day, we make choices that affect the climate. From the food we buy, to the clothes we wear, to how we travel to work, our decisions have an impact on the planet – and our effect is becoming increasingly clear.

As things currently stand, many of us use energy and create waste at an unsustainable rate and this contributes to pollution and climate change. But it’s not all doom and gloom, as there are an increasing number of ways to lead a more sustainable life and the population grows more environmentally conscious by the day.

We spoke to Kevin Hansen, driver for E.ON-backed Veloce Racing, about his passion for sustainability. A firm believer that small changes by everyone could have a big influence on the planet, Kevin has adapted his own personal life to help in the quest for a greener future.

By implementing a few small changes to our lifestyles, we can reduce our carbon footprints and do our bit to take climate action . Below are some of the choices Kevin makes every day in his pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle.

Kevin hugging a tree
Kevin hugging a tree

Kevin starts: “Sustainable living comes in many different forms, and it doesn’t have to come from life-changing actions. One small change that I have made in my day-to-day life is to recycle all cans, bottles, cardboard boxes, magazines, and glass.”

Buying sustainably produced groceries and cleaning products for his home marks another small change for Kevin: “When ordering things online, there are companies that only transport products via 100% renewable options - something that I will always choose if possible.”

Sustainable changes can also be about forming habits. “I always try to remember to unplug all my appliances in the flat when travelling for longer periods as it avoids excess energy use. Plus, I also choose not to buy new electronics until what I have no longer functions.”

kevin and team mate riding a bike
kevin and team mate riding a bike

Sometimes, on top of daily habits, more engaging projects come into the equation. In Kevin’s case, he is encouraging the neighbourhood landlord to introduce car charging for the community.

Some decisions are of course bigger than others. For example, Kevin’s choice to drive a plug-in hybrid. “I always make sure to go 100% electric between the Hansen Motorsport headquarters and home, as well as choosing the charging parking at Gothenburg Airport.

“I have actively put forward a request for green energy in my home, and renewables now power my apartment. By training on a Zwift bike, I also make sure my flat runs on 100% clean energy.”

kevin in race car
kevin in race car

Aside from the environmental positives that can come from sustainable living, there are also opportunities to lead a healthier lifestyle. Kevin chose not to eat red meat when at home for health reasons as much as for the environmental benefits – reducing pressure on forests and land used to grow animal feed, which in turn protects biodiversity.

Away from home, Kevin will continue to use his position as a driver in Extreme E and the FIA World Rallycross Championship to raise awareness of the effects of climate change, highlighting the small changes that each of us can make for a big difference overall.