How we're changing the weather

Putting air pollution on the map

Lockdown has given us a glimpse of life with less pollution.

Together with weather provider DTN, we've launched 'Change the Weather', a new service to help national and regional media include air quality information1 in their weather forecasts.

"No level of air pollution should ever be deemed as safe. Daily reminders and making air quality information accessible for all will help ensure this critical topic stays at the front of mind."

Michael Lewis, E.ON UK Chief Executive

Changing the weather

Our Air Care Research2 shows that 86% of Brits believe air pollution is an issue the public needs to know more about. And a similar number (83%) would take action to tackle air pollution if they were made more aware about the air they breathe. 

Making air quality information accessible is just one of the many ways we’re helping to clear the air.
